128 EximiousSoft GIF Creator\n\nEGC\nEximiousSoft GIF Creator File(*.egc)\n.egc\nEGC.Document\nEGC Document 129 \nEximiousSoft GIF Creator\nEGC\nEximiousSoft GIF Creator File(*.egc)\n.egc\nEGC.Document\nEGC Document 32771 Append frames from image files\nAppend Frames From Image Files 32772 Select image file(s) and insert frame(s) \nAdd Image 32773 Unselect all\nUnselect All 32774 Blend frames from image file\nBlend Frames 32775 Blend frames from image files\nBlend Frames From Image Files 32776 Open an AVI file\nOpen AVI File 32777 Select a AVI file and insert as individual frames\nAdd AVI 32778 Append frames from an AVI File\nAppend Frames From AVI File 32779 Blend frames from an AVI file\nBlend Frames From AVI File 32781 Export to an BMP file\nExport To An BMP File 32782 Export to an JPG file\nExport To An JPG File 32783 Export to an PCX file\nExport To An PCX File 32784 Export to an PNG file\nExport To An PNG File 32785 Export to an TGA file\nExport To An TGA File 32786 Export to an TIFF file\nExport To an TI&FF File 32787 Export to an PSD File\nExport To an PSD File 32788 Export to an ICO file\nExport To An ICO File 32789 Export to an CUR file\nExport To An CUR File 32790 Export to an ANI file\nExport To An ANI File 32792 Export to an GIF file\nExport To An GIF File 32793 Export all frames to an GIF file\nExport All Frames To An GIF File 32794 Export all frames to an PSD file\nExport All Frames To An PSD File 32796 Export all frames to an ANI file\nExport All Frames To An ANI File 32797 Export all frames to an CUR file\nExport All Frames To An CUR File 32798 Export all frames to an ICO file\nExport All Frames To An ICO File 32800 Converts frame to 256 colors 32801 Convert frame to 16 colors 32802 Convert frame to black and white (bitonal) 32803 Convert frame to high color (16bit-RGB) 32804 Convert frame to truecolor (24-bit RGB) 32805 Gray all selected objects\nGray 32806 Convert frame to 16 gray shades 32807 Convert these frames to which contain color quantity you specified 32809 Convert frame to specified colors 32810 Changes the size of animation\nResize Animation 32812 Rotates all selected objects left 45 degrees 32813 Rotates all selected objects left 90 degrees 32814 Rotates all selected objects 180 degrees 32815 Rotates all selected objects right 45 degrees 32816 Rotates all selected objects right 90 degrees 32817 Rotates all selected objects a specified angle 32819 Mirrors all selected objects horizontally 32820 Mirrors all selected objects vertically 32821 Adjust all selected frames brightness 32822 Adjust all selected frames contrast 32823 Adjusts brightness and contrast of all selected objects 32824 Adjusts red and green and blue value of all pixles in frame\nAdjust RGB 32825 Adjusts hue and saturation and lightness\nAdjust HSL 32826 Blurs selected objects by averaging the color in adjacent pixels 32827 A powerful Blur filter,with more extreme bluring applied to all selected objects\nGaussian Blur 32828 Increases the color difference in adjacent pixels to all selected objects\nSharpness 32829 Converts all selected objects to reliefs in grayscale\nEmboss 32830 Reduces the amount of noise in selected object(s)\nRemove Noise 32832 Creates Negatives of selected object(s)\nNegative 32833 Crop\nCrop 32834 Va swings into the frame from an edge 32838 Va appears to open gradually towards the solenoid,revealing Vb 32842 Va rolls out of the frame four sequential flaps 32855 A Vb Frame runs over Va track then freezes 32861 Preview GIF animation\nPreview GIF Animation 32862 Edit selected frames properties\nProperties 32863 Make equal delay for all selected frames or all frames\nMake Same Delay 32864 Registration\nRegistration 32865 Preferences\nPreferences 32866 Export all frames to an SWF file\nExport All Frames To An SWF File 32867 Preview Flash animation\Preview Flash Animation 32868 Save every frame to an individual image file\nImage Frames 32870 Export current animation to html file\nExport Current Animation To Html File 32872 Create a banner text\nCreate A Banner Text 32876 Default mode\nDefault Mode 32877 Rectangular selection\nRectangular Selection 32878 Elliptical selection\nElliptical Selection 32879 Magic wand selection\nMagic Wand Selection 32880 Text\nText 32881 Pencil\nPencil 32882 Lasso select\nLasso Select Tool 32883 Lasso selection\nLasso Selection 32884 Erase\nErase 32885 Flood fill\nFlood Fill 32886 Pick color\nPick Color 32887 Rectangle\nRectangle 32888 Ellipse\nEllipse 32889 Polygon\nPolygon 32890 Actual size\nActual Size 32891 Zoom in\nZoom In 32892 Zoom out\nZoom Out 32895 Invert selection\nInvert Selection 32896 Add a new frame to the animation\nAdd Frame 32897 Duplicates the selected frame(s)\nDuplicate Frames 32898 Delete the selected frame(s)\nDelete Frame 32899 Reverse the order of frames\nReverse Order 32901 Move to first frame\nMove To First Frame 32902 Move to last frame\nMove To Last Frame 32903 Move to previous frame\nMove To Previous Frame 32904 Move to next frame\nMove To Next Frame 32908 Change the view to two times the actual size 32909 Change the view to three times the actual size 32910 Change the view to four times the actual size 32911 Change the view to five times the actual size 32912 Change the view to six times the actual size 32913 Change the view to seven times the actual size 32914 Change the view to eight times the actual size 32915 Change the view one-half the actual size 32916 Change the view one-third the actual size 32917 Change the view to one-fourth the actual size 32918 Change the view to one-fifth the actual size 32919 Change the view to one-sixth the actual size 32920 Change the view to one-seventh the actual size 32921 Change the view to one-eighth the actual size 32922 View actual size\nActual Size 32923 Show or hide the drawing toolbar 32924 Show or hide objects panel 32925 Show or hide frame list 32927 Frame index\nFrame Index 32928 Odrer\nSales only $34.95 32929 Create a transparent object\nNew Object 32930 Duplicate the selected objects\nDuplidate Object(s) 32931 Delete the selected objects\nDelete Object(s) 32934 Get rid of the excess transparent border\nTrim Object(s) 32941 Combine the selected object(s) to a single object 32942 Make frame as a single object 32943 Merge to a single object and copy to clipboard\nCopy Merged 32945 Edit object's properties\nProperties 32946 Modify canvas size 57344 EximiousSoft GIF Creator 57345 For Help, press F1 57346 Select an object on which to get Help 57600 Ready to animate\nRestart 57601 Open image file\nOpen Image File 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57620 Open this document 57621 Open this document 57622 Open this document 57623 Open this document 57624 Open this document 57625 Open this document 57626 Open this document 57627 Open this document 57628 Open this document 57629 Open this document 57630 Open this document 57631 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select all\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics 57667 List Help topics\nHelp Topics 57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp 57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp 57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the main toolbar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61445 Out of Memory! 61447 Create global palette fail! 61448 Could not open the specified file %s! 61449 The specified file %s is not a valid GIF file! 61450 An Unexpected error occur,make sure the specified file is a validate GIF file. 61451 Reading file 61452 Reading files 61453 Load file %s fail! 61454 Load file %s fail,Do you continue? 61455 Blending frames 61456 An error occur during blending frames! 61457 Insert Frames 61458 Append Frames 61459 Blend Frames 61460 Writing file 61461 Save to file %s fail! 61462 Error 61463 No audio stream was found in file %s\n\nNither select another file or export the AVI without audio. 61464 An error occur during converting these frams DIB format! 61465 Converting all selected frames to specified colors 61466 Could not resize these frames to size you specified! 61467 Resizing all selected frames to specified size 61468 Please input a positive digital! 61469 An error occur during rotation,the processing could not be performed! 61470 Rotate the frame fail! 61471 Rotate all selected frames with specified angle 61472 The frames you selected are more than one, \n \nso can not locate the position the frames \n \nwill be inserted. please select a single \n \nframe! 61473 EximiousSoft GIF Creator 61474 The frames you selected are more than one, \n \nso can not continue this processing. please \n \nselect a single frame! 61475 An error occur during mirror,the processing could not be performed! 61476 Mirror the frame fail! 61477 Mirror all selected frames 61478 Adjust brightness and contrast of the frame fail! 61479 Adjust brightness and contrast of these frame fail! 61480 Please input a digital between %d and %d! 61481 Adjust the red and green and blue values of all pixels of the frame fail! 61482 Adjusting brightness and contrast of the all selected frames 61483 Adjusting red and green and blue values of all pixles of all selected frames 61484 Adjust the red and green and blue values of all pixels of these selected frame fail! 61485 Adjusting hue and saturation and lightness of all selected frames 61486 Adjust hue and saturation and lightness of these selected frame fail! 61487 Adjust hue and saturation and lightness of the frame fail! 61488 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during bluring! 61489 Blur the frame fail! 61490 bluring all selected frames 61491 Blur all these selected frames fail! 61492 Gaussian bluring all selected frames 61493 Sharp the frame fail! 61494 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during sharpness! 61495 Sharp all these selected frames fail! 61496 Sharping all selected frames 61497 Emboss the frame fail! 61498 Emboss all selected frame fail! 61499 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during embossing! 61500 Embossing all selected frames! 61502 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during removing noise! 61503 Remove noise fail! 61504 Removing noise 61505 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during sunspot! 61506 Sunspot fail! 61507 Making sunspot for all selected frames 61508 Make sunspot for all selected frames fail! 61509 Create a negative of the frame fail! 61510 The processing can not be performed because of an error occur during making negatives of all selected frames! 61511 Making negatives for all selected frames 61512 Make negatives for all selected frames fail! 61513 The frames you selected are more than one, please select a single frame! 61514 Generating Frames... 61515 Generate effective frame fail! 61516 Disposaling all frames... 61517 Converting to GIF file format.... 61518 Saving frames... 61519 Creating global palette... 61520 Croping transparency area... 61521 Delecting palette infomation... 61522 Compare frames... 61523 Loading frames... 61524 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version. 61525 Could not open clipboard! 61528 Successful 61529 You have already registered! 61530 Pick Color 61531 Gradient 61532 Please input text content! 61533 Please enable at least one effect! 61534 Generate banner fail! 61535 Please selecte a frame! 61536 Converting to AVI file format... 61537 initializing background... 61538 Your selected proportion is empty or transparent! 61539 Some objects are locked.If you want to move them,please click the lock icon to unlock them in the Objects Panel. 61540 Selected object(s) has/have no excess transparent border! 61541 The selection must have at least one visible object! 61542 A object must be present at least before erasing! 61543 A object must be selected at least before erasing! 61544 A object must be present at least! 61545 A object must be selected at least! 61546 Your selected object(s) has/have been in front! 61547 Your selected object(s) has/have been back! 61548 A object must be present at least before drawing line! 61549 A object must be selected at least before drawing line! 61550 A object must be present at least before flooding! 61551 A object must be selected at least before flooding! 61552 If you want to fill the transparent area,please check "Allow painting on transparent areas" option. 61553 If you have made a selection area,plese click on it! 61554 Please select only one visible object! 61555 Top left 61556 Top center 61557 Top right 61558 Middle left 61559 Middle center 61560 Middle right 61561 Bottom left 61562 Bottom center 61563 Bottom right 61564 Select &All 61565 U&nSelect All 61566 &Invert 61567 Please click on the objects to select them before you cut,copy or delete part image or whole image! 61568 A object must be present before you cut,copy or delete part image or whole image! 61569 &New Object 61570 &Duplicate Object(s) 61571 Delete Object(s) 61572 Trim object(s) 61573 Combine as single object 61574 Make frame as single object 61575 &Properties 61576 &Add Text